Monday, April 27, 2009


So I just checked out the killer croc movie by Greg Mclean(Wolf Creek) ROGUE. The first thing I noticed about this flick is it reminded me a lot of Wolf Creek with tourists going into uncharted territory they come face to face with the antagonist, this time the giant croc instead of the serial killer,then going to the killers lair for the final face off. Overall the movie was pretty engaging and the acting was top notch. The one thing I really want to commend this movie on is the effects. The effects are almost all non cgi!! Yes the effects crew really did a great job here I thought the croc was real in a lot of the scenes, it was a rare treat to see this kind of effects work in a modern film that could have easily been all cgi and no one would have noticed. The cgi that is in the film is almost a perfect combination with the foam latex creature. If you like creature flicks I highly recommend this bad ass killer croc movie.


1 comment:

Mummbles said...

that looks pretty cool. I am surprised to see some actors I know of in the movie as well. Burn it? If so, I want to borrow it.